How Much Does It Cost to Build a Custom Workout and Training App in 2024?

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Custom Workout and Training App in 2024?

The fitness app market is booming, with more and more people using their smartphones and tablets to track their health. A recent study revealed that the fitness app is growing at a CAGR of 18.1 % and is expected to become a 34.4 billion dollar industry by 2027. This figure suggests that it is high time for businesses to invest in the fitness app. But before they dive deep into the development process, the first question is how much it costs to build a custom workout app in 2024.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the variables that affect the price of creating a personalized training and fitness app and offer helpful advice on how to control and lower development expenses so you can get the most out of your investment. So, let’s dive in and discover everything you need about fitness app development in 2024.

Fitness Apps: What Do They Offer?

Modern fitness apps offer a range of features to cater to the demands of people of all fitness levels and ages. These apps are helpful for those who have just started their fitness journey by providing essential guidance and support. Additionally, they help users achieve their individual fitness goals, such as strength training, muscle building, and increasing flexibility. Let’s explore what modern applications offer:

1. Monitoring Progress

One significant benefit of modern fitness applications is that they have self-monitoring features. This feature is critical as it is a powerful tool to motivate and retain users. Users who see tangible progress stay consistent with their workouts and dietary plans. Achieving small goals also boosts confidence and keeps them committed to long-term objectives. It also provides a personalized experience and makes informed decisions about their health.


  • MyFitnessPal
  • Nike Training Club
  • Strava

2. Creating and Managing Workout Plans

Some fitness apps enable you to create and manage your own workout plans. This customization helps tailor your fitness routine to your specific goals and needs. Many apps also provide a library of pre-made workouts to choose from.


  • GymShark Training
  • Adidas Training

3. Providing Motivation and Support

Fitness app can offer motivation and support through social features that connect you with other users. This community aspect allows you to share your progress and stay inspired. Additionally, some apps feature virtual trainers or coaches for personalized guidance.


  • FitOn
  • Workout for Women
  • Freeletics: HIIT Fitness Coach

4. Tracking Diet and Nutrition ( H3)

Many fitness apps also help you monitor your diet and nutrition, ensuring you’re eating a balanced diet and getting the necessary nutrients. These apps often allow you to log calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients.


  • MyFitnessPal
  • Lose It!
  • Loom

5. Tracking Overall Health and Wellness

Some fitness apps provide tools to track overall health and wellness metrics such as weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. They also offer features to set and track fitness goals, contributing to a holistic approach to health.


  • Fitbit
  • Apple Health
  • Google Fit

Fitness apps are versatile tools that help users track their fitness journey, create and manage workout plans, stay motivated, monitor diet and nutrition, and track overall health.

7 Factors Influencing Fitness App Development Costs

1. App Development Approach: iOS/Android/Cross-Platform

The cost of development is strongly affected by the approach chosen. Creating native apps for iOS and Android requires maintaining distinct codebases, which can add to the cost of development. On the other hand, cross-platform development leverages a single codebase for a number of platforms, which may lower ongoing maintenance expenses.

Native Fitness App Development (iOS and Android)

  • Timeline: 600-1000 hours
  • Cost: $10,000 to $25,000 per platform

Hybrid Fitness App Development

  • Timeline: 500-700 hours
  • Cost: $7,000 to $20,000

2. Features

The functionality and appeal of a fitness app depend on its features. Each feature has its own development timeline and cost implications. The following key components and their approximate costs are listed:

  • Sign-up/Login + Edit Profile Duration: 8–17 hours Price: $100–$250 Push Notifications
  • Calorie Nutrition Feature Timeline: 60-80 hours Cost: $1,000–1,300 Timeline: 10–18 hours
  • GPS API Integration Schedule: 18–35 hours Budget: $250–$500 Exercise Routines
  • Schedule: 40–130 hours; Price: $650–2,000
  • Features of Gamification: Duration: 150–250 hours; Price: $2,700–$4,000

3. UI/UX Design Costs

User engagement is heavily dependent on the visual design and user experience. The intricacy of screen layouts and design components affects development expenses and times.

  • Wire-working Timetable: 20–60 hours; Price: $400–$1,000
  • Initial Schedule: 20–85 hours; Price: $350–1,300
  • Visual Design: Timeline: 100-120 hoursCost: $1,500-$1,900

4. Development Cost by Region

Region-specific developer rates have an impact on overall expenses. Here are average hourly rates by region:

  • Pakistan: $40
  • India: $45
  • Africa: $50
  • Latin America: $51
  • Asia: $49
  • Eastern Europe: $56
  • anada: $65
  • Western Europe: $63
  • Australia: $70
  • US: $70

5. In-House, Offshore, and Freelance Teams

The choice between an in-house team, offshore developers, or freelancers also impacts costs.

In-House Team

Involves hiring costs, salaries, infrastructure investments, and project management expenses.

Offshore Development

Generally lower costs but might involve communication challenges.


Flexible and often cost-effective but might lack the consistency and collaboration of a full team.

6. Maintenance and Updates

To maintain the program’s functionality and add new features, regular upgrades and maintenance are needed. This ongoing support contributes to the total cost over time.

7. Marketing and Launch

Budgeting for marketing and a successful launch is also essential. Effective promotion ensures that your app reaches a wider audience, impacting its overall success and return on investment.

Understanding these factors helps in planning and budgeting for fitness app development, ensuring you make informed decisions to create a successful app within your budget.

How to Reduce the Cost of Developing a Fitness App in 7 Steps?

It can be challenging to create a fitness app on a budget without compromising on quality. However, you can drastically reduce expenses by carefully planning ahead and making efficient use of your resources. These seven actions will assist you in achieving that:

Prioritize Features

  • Prioritize the most important features for the app’s initial release.
  • Determine the essential features that will draw in users.
  • In light of customer comments, consider adding more functionality in later releases.

Cross-Platform Development

  • In order to have a single codebase for both iOS and Android, choose cross-platform development.
  • When compared to creating individual native apps, this method lowers development expenses and time.
  • Think about utilizing frameworks such as React Native or Flutter.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  • Begin with an MVP that just has essential functionalities.
  • In order to get user input and make data-driven decisions for further improvements, launch soon.
  • Recurring on the basis of actual user needs will help you save needless upfront costs.

Outsourcing Development

  • Think about outsourcing development to nations that offer higher-quality services at cheaper hourly rates.
  • Conduct thorough vetting to find reliable and skilled developers.
  • This approach can significantly reduce labor costs without compromising expertise.

Open-Source Solutions

  • Make use of already-existing open-source frameworks and libraries.
  • By utilizing pre-built solutions, you can avoid creating functionality from scratch.
  • This lowers the price of custom development and saves development time.

Agile Development Methodology

  • Use an agile development methodology to divide the project into more manageable, shorter sprints.
  • Frequent testing, feedback, and modifications lower the possibility of expensive rework.
  • Agile methodologies help in delivering a better product through iterative progress.

Reusable Components

  • Promote the app’s usage of reusable components.
  • Utilize pre-built solutions to speed up development and reduce costs.
  • Consistency is ensured and the development process is streamlined with reusable components.

Cloud Services

  • Make use of cloud services for databases, backend infrastructure, and storage.
  • Cloud solutions offer scalable and cost-effective options.
  • Avoid extensive upfront investments in physical servers by using cloud-based solutions.

Effective Communication

  • Make sure that the development team and stakeholders are communicating in a clear and consistent manner.
  • By doing this, miscommunications, pointless iterations, and possible rework are avoided.
  • Effective communication ultimately saves time and reduces costs.

Final Words

Creating a unique workout and training app involves a number of aspects that have a big impact on the total cost. From choosing the development approach and integrating essential features to designing an engaging UI/UX and selecting the right development team, each decision impacts the budget. By prioritizing core functionalities, opting for cross-platform development, and starting with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), businesses can manage costs effectively. Additionally, outsourcing development to regions with lower labor costs and utilizing cloud services for backend infrastructure can offer substantial savings. By carefully considering these factors and strategies, businesses can create high-quality, cost-effective fitness apps that meet user needs and drive engagement in the competitive market of 2024.

About Us: Algoworks is a B2B IT firm providing end-to-end product development services. Operating chiefly from its California office, Algoworks is reputed for its partnership with Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon, Dell, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Algoworks is an expert in Mobile App Development with experience in catering to enterprises belonging to all domains. This includes: Android App Development, iOS App Development, ReactNative App Development, Flutter App Development etc. For more information, contact us here.

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AlgoworksHow Much Does It Cost to Build a Custom Workout and Training App in 2024?