December 5, 2018
Rachit Agarwal
What are Low Code Platforms? The low code development platform is a software that provides programmers and app developers with an environment where they can build and design application software via Graphical User Interface (GUI) and configuration instead of following conventional computer programming process. These platforms majorly focus on designing and developing applications of a
November 29, 2018
Pratyush Kumar
Here’s a question: Which Salesforce marketing automation tool is the right choice for your business? Is it that easy to answer? We bet you, it is. Once you are clear about the importance of marketing automation and how it can balance your marketing and sales efforts, you are already halfway towards deciding the best marketing
November 22, 2018
Rachit Agarwal
There was a time when people used to deal with broken links and unresponsive websites. But gradually, the tech world evolved and entered the age of responsive, interactive, and creative websites. Web developers heaved a sigh of relief when Google introduced AngularJS almost a decade ago with the intention of making the front-end development process
November 21, 2018
Pratyush Kumar
Salesforce, a popular customer relationship management platform, has progressed into being one of the most personalized sales management platforms in the CRM market. Countless Salesforce extensions are readily available and prepared to harness the power of Salesforce most effectively. Here are seven helpful Salesforce extensions we have handpicked for small businesses: 1. Admin Assistant by
November 14, 2018
Ajeet Singh
How would you feel if you could take the burden of hiring the right DevOps talent off your shoulders? This is exactly what this article will aim at! It is a well-known fact that DevOps has helped organizations discover more effective and efficient ways to work in a balanced manner. Clearly, this has led to
November 12, 2018
Pratyush Kumar
As the Forcedotcom terminology goes, Environments and organizations are equivalent to one another. This article will be focusing on Salesforce Environments, their types, uses, characteristics, and licensing and upgrades. Types of Salesforce Environments Salesforce Environments are of three main types: Production Environments Production environments are the environments that consist of active paying users with business-critical
October 31, 2018
Rachit Agarwal
Introduced by JetBrains, Kotlin is a relatively fresh programming language that runs on the Java platform and uses JDK. Kotlin has a different syntax from Java, which was the main reason it was introduced as Java’s syntax is unnecessarily protracted. Kotlin facilitates the life of coders and gives them the chance to utilize a single
October 24, 2018
Rachit Agarwal
What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? Minimum Viable Product is the initial version of the final application which is presented in a compact form. MVP is launched to determine the acceptance of the product and to gauge whether the product will sustain in the market. Usually in mobile app development, Minimum Viable Product is
October 18, 2018
Rachit Agarwal
There’s a question which has been doing rounds in the developers’ community from quite some time now: “Will WebAssembly define the end of JavaScript?” A common speculation is that WebAssembly flags the end of JavaScript, but the creator states otherwise. Brendon Eich, Creator of JavaScript and former CEO of Mozilla, claims that WebAssembly intends to
October 15, 2018
Pratyush Kumar
No matter how big or small a business is, Customer Relationship Management has become a necessity. Most of the organizations now acknowledge the significance of CRM systems and how they can help them grow and generate revenue. Salesforce CRM, the dominant hand in the market, offers a product called Sales Cloud which supports marketing, sales,