Things To Consider Before Upgrading Alfresco Enterprise

Things To Consider Before Upgrading Alfresco Enterprise

Alfresco Enterprise edition is in version 5.x right now. The first version 5.x was released in December 2014, almost two years back, but still, most Alfresco Enterprise users are using versions 4.x or even 3.x. This is especially true for those enterprises who have a heavily customized Alfresco Enterprise instance. They tend to push off

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Salesforce Spring Release17 – The Vital Stuff!

Salesforce Spring Release17 – The Vital Stuff!

Salesforce Spring ‘17 will focus a lot to render to you the most requested and desirable lightning experience usability enhancements to make the users happy which has forever been its priority. Salesforce has introduced Salesforce Einstein and will give you total provision to try it out in the cloud ecosystem. This release has a lot

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Future of Digital World – Drones or Mobile Apps?

Future of Digital World – Drones or Mobile Apps?

A- Drones – Initiation: Phones were used to just call people. The pursuit for innovation revolutionized the way people communicate using phones by the ‘magical’ possibilities brought to us through internet. Something has been shaping our lives but where are we headed? There is something more which we as a race have not really capitalized

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10 Top Notch Big Data Trends To Watch Out For in 2017!

10 Top Notch Big Data Trends To Watch Out For in 2017!

All that was ‘hype’ related to the term big data years ago became a justified norm in the world of business this year. Data has become the new currency and the technologies now revolve around the concept of putting the big data into work and increase ROI through enhanced productivity and minimal risk. The year

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Augmented Reality – What Does This Mean For Your Business?

Augmented Reality – What Does This Mean For Your Business?

A- Preface The simple fundamental which works with Augmented Reality application development process is integrating the internet with the steady products and improve the experience. Augmented Reality, when incorporated with businesses, provides enhanced experience and refines style itself. The study shows that around 82% people are using smartphones to attract the shoppers, it will lead

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Salesforce Commerce Cloud To Join Hands With Facebook Dynamic Ads

Salesforce Commerce Cloud To Join Hands With Facebook Dynamic Ads

This season makes it possible for brands to leverage Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Facebook in fresh ways to deliver product information and drive conversion on a much higher level. The fact has been justified that the connected shoppers are fundamentally and rationally transforming the concept of retail. Interaction with brands via the web, online markets,

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Best Practices For Node.js App Development

Best Practices For Node.js App Development

Node.js, a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript engine helps to develop fast, scalable network application. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model which makes node.js lightweight and efficient. Node.js has become one of the most popular platforms over the last couple of years. It is of course very easy to get started on those Node.js

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5 Blazing Software Development Trends To Bloom In 2017!

5 Blazing Software Development Trends To Bloom In 2017!

A new year brings with it a fresh air of optimism along with it. As we flip the pages of the calendar onto January 2017 there is a lot of anticipation related to the software development trends that are going to set the milestones this year. Last year we heard the soft drum beats of

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7 IoT Trends Of 2016 That Will Also Trend In 2017

7 IoT Trends Of 2016 That Will Also Trend In 2017

Learning about the Internet of Things can be dizzying. It had utterly revolutionized the concept of digitization by changing it from a practically isolated concept to a virtual experience and reducing the proximity to the real world. 2016 was the year that actually started realizing the potential of Internet of Things or IoT. So the

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Which JavaScript Frameworks Take Along With You In 2017

Which JavaScript Frameworks Take Along With You In 2017

There are hundreds of free JS libraries out and it becomes real tough to choose the right JavaScript framework for your application. Some developers end up discarding while others grow rapidly and achieve widespread adoption. Many of the developers only know the big names like jQuery and React but there are many other popular JavaScript

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