About Scala
Scala is the perfect reflection of object-oriented and functional language concept. Scala is an open source object-functional programming language that was developed for the web to overcome the limitations of Java. The Scala programming language allows the Scala developer to write programs in Scala combining the benefits of PHP and Java.
Highlight Feature App
It is a free open-source collection of tools for:
It is open source and free, reduces the cost of development significantly as there are no upfront costs or royalty fees
Scala is a robust static system and an established Play frame work that is very similar to Java
It is concise and requires minimal development time
It was specifically built to make high traffic websites, both dependable and reliable
Why Scala ?
Scala is
Object Oriented.
Scala is Statically
Typed and Is Extensible.
Scala is functional.
Scala Interoperability
with Java and .NET.
Algoworks advantage of Scala
application development
Algoworks has a skilled team of Scala development. You can rely on our experienced team. We have been working on the following domains:

Scala Consulting and Scala based Mobile solutions.

Application migration to Scala.

Scala Web Application Development.

Business Intelligence solutions based on Scala.